1st Book: il Somniatum

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Meet Arizona...


Self-proclaimed workaholic and Bahamian-Canadian author of the upcoming six book saga The Paragon Series™. When she's not writing, or working her exciting nine-to-five, she's laying out the groundwork for other literary projects and managing the publishing company that will produce this series and many other works in the future. In the small fraction of time she's not doing any of the above (i.e. she's on vacation) she's mostly non-existent at home playing Skyrim or Dragon Age: Inquisition, watching dramas or anime, reading comics of various kinds—and when existing, can be found at local foodie restaurants, breweries, and distilleries as most native Vancouverites are.


Favorite book: Juliet by Anne Fortier
Favorite manga: Rave Master by Hiro Mashima
Current favorite webtoon(s): Winter Woods by COSMOS (drawn by VAN.J), Untouchable by Massstar

If you'd like to know anything else about Arizona, feel free to send an inquiry by clicking here.